There will be one division with nine teams registered.
The first named team is the home team.
All teams are playing games at Stratford High School and, where possible, all teams have a mixture of early and late games – it is not possible due to umpiring constraints to make this completely 50/50.
Please ensure all team players are aware that ALL games after Christmas have start times of 10:00am and 11:15am to hopefully cut down on the amount of games cancelled due to frost.
If there are no cancelled matches, and there is sufficient interest, we will look to arrange some friendly game play or a round robin competition on the reserve week.
Teams marked in purple italics are those with umpiring responsibility for that match.
Court inspection role rotates between Comets Tornadoes (Katie Irgin), Stratford Ladies (Emily Holmes) and Thunderbirds (Lauren Simmonds)
Please note dates with ‘Dance’ highlighted – there is likely to be limited parking so please allow time to find appropriate spaces [elsewhere if necessary]